The Elite Las Vegas SEO Framework

There are new companies being built from ground-up every day.

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates

Steve Jobs started Apple from his garage and basement. Bill Gates started in 1975 the same way. That trend is continuing at an astronomical rate with many people losing their jobs and starting new businesses from home. Even the bigger giant companies such as Virgin and Monster are revving up their creative minds and adopting new strategies to come up with new innovations and products.

Elite Las Vegas SEO Framework

We’ve learned that thinking back to where we started, our roots, is where most of the good ideas come from. This standard of thinking can help any company stay ahead of the pack and win the race for online supremacy. You may be asking, what is seo? Search Engine Optimization has become a big deal since it’s the fuel for your internet search rankings. Without SEO, your company website cannot be organically found on the search engines.

SEO strategies straight from our basement:

Discard Complicated SEO Procedures

Getting permission from your superiors absolutely sucks! Unfortunately that’s how most businesses and corporations thrive, through procedure. That’s even how most SEO companies have been doing it.

This is a fast-paced world and any holdup can be devastating. If one of my SEO team-members needed permission to make a change or a simple back-link addition to one of our News Networks it would destroy productivity. They would be sitting around waiting for the go-ahead on their project. It is sad that many SEO companies run this model.

Get rid of the BS and allow your SEO team to do what they think is the right move without requiring permission. You hired them, they must be good at their job, so let them do it!

I run Elite Las Vegas SEO without the need for my team to ask if something is OK. They are fully capable of doing their tasks. I recommend every other SEO company to do the same and allow your team to take care of business.

Find the Sweet Spot For Keywords

Good SEO is all about spreading your keywords out and using semantically related terms. A good strategy is to focus your main keywords on your homepage and use the related keywords on subsequent pages.

So Ferrari would be a main keyword for your homepage. The inner pages will target Ferrari 308 GTB for one page, and Ferrari Spider 360 on another.

If you try to stuff your keywords all onto your homepage, you’ll get fast results, initially… But it won’t last. Google will quickly shut you down and move you down the rankings. Keep it safe and follow the above guidelines.

Focus on Your Customers

When I was starting my business, it was all about producing a great product and top notch service. Most of us who are just starting out in a new business have that mentality. Keeping your customers happy was important because if they weren’t, we wouldn’t have had that first sale in the first place. We were willing to go above and beyond to be successful.

Continue to build and maintain a great website with valuable content and never forget what got you to where you are now. Success didn’t come easy but you made your customers happy and that’s what you need to continue to do. Keep them coming back for more. Find new methods to keep people coming back for more.

And the best part of producing great content is that Google will love you more and more for it. A stagnant site is a lost-in-the-rankings site.

Social Media Domination

Get your social media profiles up and running. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest are some of the most popular. They are great for your SEO because when you create content and share it on those sites you’ll have the potential to put it out in front of millions of other people.

The Likes and Tweets on your content have an impact on your website search engine optimization.
There is No Such Thing as an Easy Way Out

It takes hard work and dedication from every entrepreneur. Your website SEO depends on it.

You simply cannot just put up your business website and hope that it reaches the first page of Google. It’s not gonna happen, there are no shortcuts.

Produce awesome content that effectively engages your audience. A good SEO team can do this for you and they can also help you strategize a plan to get your website to the first page of Google.

SEO is very important and will be for a very long while. Start-ups, small businesses, and big corporations alike need SEO to survive online. If you don’t have your SEO plan, get it now so you don’t get left behind.

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